Group Questing
First let me tell you where this is coming from. Both me and my wife play GW along with my brother. Group questing can get very annoying because of built in game machanics.
I can only see my own quests. It would be nice if the leader had a tab that read group quests. The leader could pick the quest from anyone in the group. Then everyones radar would show the green arrow indicating where the quest is at. There are times when my wife is doing her ranger quest and I am helping but I have no clue where we are going. Even better you could have different colored arrows on the radar. You could have a red arrow for group quests, and green for my personal quests. They would show at the same time on the radar. When the leader selects a new quest from the group quest pool everyone in the group would get a message at the top of the screen stating the quest has been changed to so-and-so's quest.